You and your business are unique and so should be your marketing approach. 

Our Mission

I will work with you to create a sustainable marketing strategy so that you can escape the social media rabbit hole,  build your audience, and convert followers into paying customers. 

It is irresponsible marketing advice that you should be everywhere all at once. You may have a beautiful website but without SEO-driven copy, it may be invisible and not reaching your target audience. Sure, social media is sexy and a powerful marketing tool, but I don’t believe it’s the right tool for every business.

The beauty of content marketing is that it continues to pay off well after you’ve paid me, unlike one-time paid digital ads that may or may not work.  It can be repurposed through multiple channels to expand your visibility.

A well-rounded marketing strategy that incorporates a blend of long-form content, reputation management, and intentional social media usage can boost your ranking on search engines by increasing organic traffic and improving your site’s credibility. This means you’ll be organized, easy to find, and make more sales.

Profitability over Popularity
— unknown

Services and Pricing

My Project Minimum: $500 (excludes consultation services)
*On a budget? Check out my bundle pricing!

Consultation Services

Brainstorm Sesh $225
2 hrs | This is dedicated time to help you zoom out of your business, unravel your thoughts and get inspired. This session is designed to reduce overwhelm and gain clarity. We will ping-pong ideas and create magic for your business. Together, we will turn your brilliant ideas into actionable goals. You will leave with a clear plan for success to implement and see results.

Let’s Get Organized $325
2 hrs | In this session, we’ll do a deep dive into your processes and review your current tools. This is perfect for you if you’re “doing all the things” and feel unsure what to focus on to have the most impact on your business. We will look at ways to optimize and simplify your systems to create a sustainable workflow. You will gain clear direction and efficient processes to implement so you know where everything is and what everything does. Together, we will get you organized so you leave feeling empowered and have more of your time back.

Content Planning Sesh $350
2 hrs | In this session, we’ll review all your macro and micro content channels, look at performance and analytics, and devise a clear quarterly plan that’s specific to your business goals and doable within your bandwidth. Together, we will craft a results-driven sustainable workflow that is laser-focused, to help you avoid burnout, creative blockage or shiny object syndrome. We’ll break down your content plan into an easy-to-follow checklist so you’re on top of your marketing and not drowning in it. You’ll leave with a concise strategy to grow and serve your audience that gets you the results of more visibility, credibility, and profitability.

Reputation & Feedback Strategy Sesh $350
2 hrs | This is dedicated time to review/set up your online review profiles. Together we will review customer feedback and discuss the business impact. We will craft a response strategy and implement a streamlined process to get your business more reviews and improve your online reputation to build a relationship with your audience and create brand loyalty.

Mindful Marketing $250
2hrs | This is for all my fellow woo-woos! We’ll do a deep dive into mindset and manifestations and how to channel that into your marketing strategy. Ultimately, you want your business to make money, but your “why” is bigger than that. We’ll uncover the “why” behind your business and craft your marketing strategy with that in mind. People care about people who care so let’s share why your business even exists in the first place. Together, we’ll determine your business’s core values and create your business mission statement. We’ll use those to drive your marketing efforts from a place of intention. You’ll leave with your specific “Mindful Marketing Mantra” and a clear strategy to implement to gain a greater connection with your customers and abundance in your business.

Content Marketing

  • Blogs $350 each  (1200-1800 words)

  • Newsletters  $200 each

  • Email Sequences $50 per email (min 3 emails)

  • Copywriting (variable per piece)

  • Copyediting (variable per piece)

  • Digital Products (priced per item)

    Reputation Management

  • Review Response Templates $75 each (for your to answer your reviews)

    • (single sentiment ie: 1 positive, 1 negative, 1 neutral)

  • Review Response Service  (I answer your online reviews for you)

    • 25 Review Responses $100

    • 50 Review Responses $175

    • 100 Review Responses $300


Monthly Retainers & Bundles


Content Marketing Monthly Retainer $2000 ($400 savings a month)


  • Brainstorm Sesh

  • Get Organized Sesh 

  • Content marketing plan (qtr) 

  • Email Campaigns

    • Email List Build 

    • Welcome Sequence 

    • Email Nurture Sequence (month 3) 

  • # relevant collateral pieces (freebie, opt-in page, macro-content, micro-content) 

  • Copywriting Services ad hoc (additional charge based on copywriting project needs/goals) 

  • 2 hrs/meetings per month & email availability

Reputation Management Monthly Retainer $2000 ($400 savings a month)


  • Brainstorm Sesh

  • Get Organized Sesh

  • Reputation Management Strategy

  • Email Campaign: Customer Feedback Sequence

  • Reputation & Feedback Strategy Sesh 

  • Review Response Templates 

    • Optional: Professional Review Response Package

      • 25 Review Responses (add $100)

  • 2 hrs/meetings per month & email availability

Content Marketing & Reputation Management Monthly Retainer $2500($200 savings a month)


  • Brainstorm Sesh

  • Get Organized Sesh

  • Quarterly Content Marketing Plan & Reputation Management Strategy (qtr)

  • Email Campaigns

    • Email List Build 

    • Welcome Sequence 

    • Email Nurture Sequence (month 3) 

  • Email Campaign: Customer Feedback Sequence

  • # relevant collateral pieces (freebie, opt-in page, macro-content, micro-content) 

  • Copywriting Services ad hoc (additional charge based on copywriting project needs/goals) 

  • Reputation & Feedback Strategy Sesh 

    • Review Response Templates 

    • Optional: Professional Review Response Package

      • 25 Review Responses (add $100)

  • 2 hrs/meetings per month & email availability


My Project Minimum: $500


  • Blogs ($350 ea) | Save with Bundle Pricing

    • 6 Blogs $2000

    • 9 Blogs $3000

    • 12 Blogs $4000

  • Newsletters ($200 ea) | Save with Bundle Pricing

    • 6 Newsletters $1000

    • 9 Newsletters $1500

    • 12 Newsletters $2000

  • Email Sequences ($50 ea) | Save with Bundle Pricing

    • 6 Emails $250

    • 9 Emails $400

    • 12 Emails $500

  • Review Response Templates ($75 each) | Save with Bundle Pricing 

    • 9 responses $550

    • 12 Responses $650

  • Review Response ( I answer your online reviews for you)

    • 25 Review Responses $100

    • 50 Review Responses $175

    • 100 Review Responses $300