35 Ways to Avoid Cabin Fever

Even though you may not be able to go to work or gather in large groups, you can do plenty with your extra time off. And if you’ve got kiddos off from school, it’s great to encourage them to be active as well. So unplug from the news and social media and enjoy your life. Begin a new healthy habit or get a headstart on kicking a bad one. Here are a few positive things you could do while staying home: 

  1. Spring cleaning. Declutter your closets and organize your home. Print off this great checklist HERE

  2. Teach your kids how to manage a budget and/or balance a checkbook. 

  3. Teach your kids to cook a meal. 

  4. Watch some interesting Ted Talks. 

  5. Take a break from social media.

  6.  Read some books. Here are a few great ones:

    • The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

    • So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport

    • The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Anchor

    • Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

    • Live It, Love It, Earn It by Mariana Olszewski

  7. Play some board games.

  8. Start a new exercise routine. 

  9. Begin a clean eating detox. 

  10. Go on a nature walk and take photos of interesting plants and animals you see and teach your kids about them. Or do some nature discovery work for yourself. 

  11. Watch some Animal Planet documentaries like Blue Planet or The Earth Series.

  12. Try some simple painting tutorials on YouTube.

  13. Check in with your single friends or people you know that live alone who are at risk of becoming highly isolated. 

  14. Take an online class or learn a new skill using free YouTube tutorial videos. 

  15. Get a jumpstart on learning a new language by downloading the Duolingo app.

  16. Clean up your inbox by spending an hour on subscribing to unwanted email lists.

  17. Start a yoga practice. My favorite Yoga Guru

  18.  Begin a meditation practice. I love Headspace.

  19.  Price compare insurance services: Auto, Life, Renters, etc. 

  20. Get yourself or your kids on a balanced schedule with a good mixture of physical, academic, and relaxing activities.

  21. Create a budget. 

  22. Create a debt repayment plan. 

  23. Brainstorm ideas to start your own business. 

  24. Write a business plan.

  25. Print out and review your credit report.

  26. Apply to jobs with great benefits. 

  27. Review and update your resume and Linkedin profile. 

  28. Clean up your social media feed and follow positive pages and unfollow negative ones. 

  29. Go for a scenic drive. 

  30. Do some car maintenance like checking your fluids, filters, and tire pressure. 

  31. Clean your car.

  32. Play with makeup and learn some new beauty techniques from Youtube.

  33. Create a spring capsule wardrobe; Pinterest has great examples.

  34. Rearrange your living room or refresh your home office.

  35. Start a Gratitude or Daily Joys Journal practice.

There are a million and one things you can do besides scrolling through social media over the next few weeks while you’re sitting at home. Avoid cabin fever and make the most of this time by trying a few of the items listed above. Most importantly, stay calm, stay well and stay kind.

Get the FREE Printable of this list HERE.