Five Foods to Combat Coronavirus

Unfortunately, Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the little we know about it, so far, has turned out to be quite a doozy. If we were to look on the brightest side of a dark and gloomy cloud, we could use some tried and true methods to protect ourselves from this nasty funk.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Fortunately and unfortunately, that pesky virus that’s going around knocking off vulnerable groups of the world population is a little too similar to the flu. The downside of Coronavirus being the obvious death toll, but the slight upside being that by taking similar precautions as recommended for cold/flu season, one could improve their immune system and decrease their chances of contracting this son of a you-know-what day ruiner.

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Of course, there isn’t any proven remedy to cure Coronavirus (COVID-19) but there are a few foods that will boost your immune system to make you stronger to repel this manic sickness running rampant throughout the globe.


An obvious number one on the list is vitamin C, and you want to get it in its most natural form which includes any kind of citrus fruit. Make sure you’re going for the whole fruit and not just the juice so that you get all the benefits of the fiber and additional vitamins that come along with the pulp of the fruit. Throw an orange in your lunchbox or add some lemon slices to your tea or water - wherever you can add a dose of VItamin C!


If you start to catch a nasty cough, stock up on those radishes, baby. Not a huge fan? Try slicing them on a salad or mixing them in a slaw. An age-old cough syrup remedy is honey, onion and a few of these little gems blended together. (Check out recipe here)

Honey (Local Variety)

Get yourself a jar of local honey. A spoonful a day will not only make you sweeter but will boost your immune system against those pesky allergens that can make you more susceptible to a respiratory ailment. And be kind to the honeybees, please!

Photo by Roberto Patti on Unsplash


Not only is this tiny but mighty little bunch great for warding off vampires, it’s high in allicin which is a sulfur-rich compound known for ages to aid in fighting off infections. So chop up a little, or a lot since you won’t be kissing anyone soon, and toss it in that spaghetti with a spicy meatball!

Photo by team voyas on Unsplash

Photo by team voyas on Unsplash


Okay, it’s not technically a food, unless you’re a cuddly koala bear, but it’s a miracle medicine from nature! Because Coronavirus (COVID-19) seems to be affecting people in the respiratory system, you want to make sure that your airways are clean and open. Eucalyptus is perfect for this! A fresh sprig of eucalyptus tied to your showerhead will cause the oil to release with the steam and to open up your airways as you get fresh and clean. You could even add some eucalyptus oil to your humidifier. Or go the cheap drugstore route and grab yourself a bottle of Vicks Vapor Rub to open up those airways. (Don’t forget to put it on your feet!)

It looks like this nasty bug is going to be hanging around for a bit, so do yourself a favor and stock up on these few items to protect yourself. As the Coronavirus spreads and people buy out all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer in a mass frenzy to have clean bums and hands, you can feel better knowing that your kitchen has just what you need to ward off this bad mamma jamma. And don’t forget the Corona!

Photo by Laura Barry on Unsplash

Photo by Laura Barry on Unsplash

Useful Sources:

Disclaimer: This is not a substitute for professional medical advice. I am not a doctor or medical professional. Please seek proper medical attention if you are experiencing any symptoms related to cold/flu or COVID-19. Also, use caution and common sense when seeking medical advice from the internet. And, Corona Cerveza cannot cure or give you Coronavirus.