Is SEO Just BS?

If someone ever comes to your business claiming they are an expert on SEO, babe they are selling you!

Whenever you ask somebody what they understand about SEO, the first phrase out of their mouth is usually something to do with keywords, but the truth is SEO is way more than keywords and phrases. It’s like a cake - it’s got layers.

Yes, there are tricks to improve your SEO (search engine optimization) ranking and yes, there are best practices, and yes there are tips to follow, but even the so-called experts on SEO are not experts.

Even Google has admitted, they haven’t quite nailed exactly what it all means or how it functions.

There are too many variables in play and algorithms and a deep rabbit hole of information that it’s virtually impossible for anyone to know everything.

By the time they think they have their entire head wrapped around it, the information has become outdated.

At Servin Creative we have done as much research as anyone else about SEO , and we have discovered many of the tricks of the trade that we are happy to implement to improve your company’s ranking, but we will always be fully transparent and never over-promise.

Is your copy well written? Are you providing a solution to a problem or an answer to a question?

Is your product or service in demand? Do you have what people are looking for? In a very visible user-friendly, easily accessible way?

Can your buyer find what they need on your website in less than eight seconds?

If you struggle to answer these questions, then your SEO game could use a little work. You don't need to pay someone big bucks to "fix your SEO." First, work on answering the questions above and make tweaks to your website.

Often, it comes down to the copy on your website and the organization/layout. Focus on making your website user-friendly, especially on mobile. Make sure your copy is well-written and then track your results. Just these two simple adjustments can make all the difference in getting your website found.

SEO can work well for your business, but don't be too quick to buy into all the hype. Don't get lost in the sea of information. Go back to the basics; clean up your website and you'll be ahead of the game.

Still wrapping your head around SEO? Schedule your free 15-minute call with Lindsey today!