Doing Business with Style

Transactional business is so last season!

Business, more than ever, is about relationships. Back in the day, business was solely about the exchange – goods and services for payment. It was all about “closing the deal,” “making the sale,” and “landing the client,” but now, the sales cycle is much longer. The client base is a slow build and the prospect list is shorter and more targeted. 

In the age of connectivity, the days of cold-calling for hours on end are over. Getting off the phone and out from behind your screen is making the most impact on your clients. They want to know who they’re doing business with. Your clients need face-to-face connection. 

Your message has to shift from “Buy, Buy, Buy” to “Build. Solve. Maintain.” Business today requires more than a great product at a great price. In fact, now the price is the least important factor for most consumers. They want value. They want to feel valued. Price-centric clients still exist, but these are not your people. Sustainable business relationships now require vulnerability and curiosity. 

Consumers still want affordable goods and services, but now they want the added element of trustworthiness, reliability and integrity. We are living in the age of the conscientious consumer.

The beauty of this is that relationships go both ways. We are now in a position to be selective of our consumer base more than ever before. We target our marketing efforts and empower our sales teams with focus, knowledge and qualified leads. We even get to fire clients and customers. 

There is no longer the air of desperation to get the sale or ineffective splatter paint marketing tactics. Because for every client lost, there are three more walking through the proverbial door. Our reputation is our greatest marketing weapon. It sells for us. 

We build the relationships. We sell and promote with integrity, and our clients remain loyal and become our best lead source – referrals. Treat your customer base like they matter, and they will market the hell out of your business for you. 

We’ve leveled up our business practice model from the transactional tit-for-tat to relationship-based innovation built on trust and connection.

If you’re looking to improve your business development strategy, Servin Creative can help. Schedule your free 15-minute call with Lindsey below: